This a highly experimental tool developed to query NSIP database information using English text. It is highly experimental and is is still in the development and testing phase. It uses a LLM (Large Language Model) that is specially trained to write and execute queries against the NSIP database. It is structured as a question & answer application, so there's no follow-up questions (but you can modify your question). You provide a description of what you are looking for in the database and it produces the data as well as an explanation of the data displayed.
When you ask Rusty for data he does not have access to he will respond in various ways depending on the Specialist you are using and how you phrased the question.
"What color is 6400282018BUL403?" Might result in a dry response stating that Rusty does not have access to color information to suggestions of changes required so we can track colors.
There are other times where Rusty does not have the data but he incorrectly think he can calculate the data. Those cases are a bit harder to spot. Always ask yourself, does this answer make sense.
Rusty knows your Flock Id and answers questions in context of your flock unless you ask him to do otherwise.
On the other hand when referencing a specific animal, Rusty tends to ignore the flock and uses the animal as a starting point.
The good news is that Rusty will mention in the explanation if he is limiting the query to a specific flock.
Rusty thinks he knows everything there is to know but in reality he only knows what he was taught and what he can derive from his understanding of the data. There's some note worthy bits of knowledge that Rusty has that you might have though about.
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